About Us
The Ultimate Snoring Solutions.

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The Reason Behind…
I don’t know exactly, when and how I came upon the decision to launch CRAAB, a space where people would find the ultimate solution for their snoring needs. But I am damn sure it took years’ hard work to form what you see today.
I am Mia Faith, not a medical professional; but someone who was haunted and excited at the same time, by the nightly bane; Snoring.
I realised that I am not the only one who experience this. Snoring has been and still continues to be a horror dream for many. Thanks to the technology; there are a lot of devices to stop snoring available on the market; snoring mouthpieces, stop snoring devices, anti-snoring pillows and many more. But the dilemma is what would you choose? How? And are they effective? Of course, YES!
But there are several factors that contribute to the effectiveness of such snoring devices. How would you measure them? Is it possible to buy each product and switch to other when you find the one who bought not effective? NEVER!
The goal of CRAAB is to help you find the ultimate solution for your snoring. A wide range of products are available on the market; that too with multiple features. What you are supposed to do is to choose the right one for you. For this, CRAAB provides necessary information and unbiased and honest reviews based on user experience.
A wide range of high-quality products from top-notch manufacturers are reviewed at CRAAB, after researching on the most popular snoring devices on the market. CRAAB not only spotlight the good features, but also point out the short-comings, to guide you in choosing the right snoring aid that fit your needs. As each product comes with different features, it is mandatory to study them well before buying. For instance, there are devices that are not suitable for people with dentures and the like; at the same time some are designed exclusively for such people.
CRAAB is a comprehensive guide to stop snoring and a culmination of years of practical and hands-on research. Rest assured, you are being guided to the right path and your hunt to find the best snoring solution ends here!